How to Rebuild Your Relationship with Exercise

Where there is comfort, there is no growth. It implies all aspects of your life, and fitness is an excellent application for it. Do you want the best body in your circle? You want to feel great about yourself? Or do you have a goal to get the healthiest version of yourself? Whatever the end goal in your mind, know that you need to keep those goals as your “boost” in your fitness regime.

Time to Let Go!

Letting go in the fitness world means you need to say bye to all your worries and fears! There is no place for self-doubt and ifs-buts when you want to do workouts. It can be super overwhelming for beginners to follow a fitness goal, but it is totally worth it once you get the hang of it. No one is asking you to do those push-ups for half an hour, and no one is judging you for not being able to do simple deadlifts. At the beginning level, all you need to do is to have great self-control and let go of the anxiety that is telling you that you cannot do it. Of course, you can!


Stay Focused

This mantra is for all the half-doers who are at the middle level of their fitness game and give up. They leave things half done, and as a result, they lose the progress they once made as well. It is a dangerous position to be in because, honestly, you are present in the middle of nowhere. That is why you need to have an eye on the goal and be motivated by it. Instead of looking for external sources to validate you and boost you, you need to look inside yourself and build the internal motivation that will keep you driven. As you stay focused, you will reach the finish line without any barriers. Remember, you are your only barrier at this stage!


Push Harder!

One word for the advanced-level pros at the game: Grind! You are your biggest competitor, and at this stage, when you are pushing several sets and reps in the game, there is no space left to give up. You need to be bringing some challenge for yourself every day you appear at the game, so you outdo yourself. Once you are able to push beyond your perception of your capability, you will be amazed by your potential. This is the best time to actually surpass your goals and get some real-time delayed gratification to a fruitful stage. 


Final Words

Boost Studio is the perfect place to be regardless of your level – beginner, middle-player, or pro. You can find the best atmosphere to focus on your fitness and health goals in the best way possible. Follow your heart and make the most out of your time in an enabling environment that empowers you and helps you unleash your full potential. Get more information about the way you can start your fitness journey from our team of experts!


We believe in a self-empowerment lifestyle, connecting mind and body. We are a community that helps you to push your limits. We are with you in every inhale and exhale.

We take the journey with you from the beginning until the end, and we start with you the next one.

This is YOUR MOMENT, to connect and BOOST yourself.


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